Thursday, October 4, 2012

Not much to Show for Today

Haven't got anything finished to show for today.  Had a great time at our Sewing Group this morning, but I won't show the results until they are completely done.

I have lots of block of the months to catch up on, and a blog swap to do, and tomorrow Alan and I will spend the day out in the garden. The weeds are taking over, which is typical as soon as the warmer weather starts, and the late winds are knocking the plants around something awful.  So we need to hand water everything because there's no rain expected. Such is life!  We really really need some rain, everywhere is dry and dusty and burned off. Just a little bit, please Universe!

So that's about that for today, now let me find a picture that's cute or relaxing or nice or something  for you!

I love my Buddha!


Unknown said...

What a lovely pic from your rain would be nice.
hugs Tanya

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

We have plenty of rain. Want some? :)) Your Buddha looks cute. :)