Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Copyright for Australian Bloggers

I have been reading my friend Janine Whitling's blog, and she has been investigating copyright law in  the US, and how it applies to bloggers.

Very interesting read. So I thought that I would have a look at our Australian laws and how copyright may protect us.  I have often wondered about Pinterest and pinning from other's blogs. Wow, there's a minefield!

If you are interested in the law around copyright, I found this site, Arts Law: Legal issues for bloggers is full of very interesting information. Go and have a read - I am off now to find a disclaimer to put on our blog!
From my Facebook page


Diane-crewe said...

liking your flying pig xx

Janine Whitling said...

Great Sharon, the more we bring attention to this issue, the better ♥

Anonymous said...

It certainly bears delving into it sounds like a mine field!
Jeanie Beanie xoxox

Ilze said...

OH no, so scary !!! But bookmarked it and will need to find the time to go read in detail! Especially if we sometimes do some things so innocently and with good intention !! But that does not hold up when the popo hits the fan I guess....thanks for sharing !