Sunday, April 17, 2016

Word Photo Challenge 2016 Week 10

Hallo everyone, glad to have you here!

So, today is the first prize give away for the "funniest" picture of the word "clean".  I'm really looking forward to this one, and seeing what you all come up with!

So without further ado, here's my picture:

The cleaning fairy is falling down on keeping the windows screen clean! Must get a new fairy!!

So, here is my "clean" washing on the line! Blurred, and through a dirty screen. Sorry, thats all I could do! I do hope that yours are bvetter, or Alan and I  will have a very difficult time, won't we, deciding whos is funniest!!

So sign up with Mr LInky below, and good luck everyone!

I'll be back tomorrow with next week's word.

Take care


Diane-crewe said...

good choice .. I don't know if I am going to be able to sort one out this week .. my dad is doing well.. thank goodness .. but my mum has been admitted to hospital with chest pain .. hope you get lots of fun entries x

kiwikid said...

Oh great photo, hopefully the cleaning fairies will come to my place one day!! Hubby is n hospital so my participating has been put on hold for now but I will be back.