Sunday, August 3, 2014

52 Weeks Word Photo Challenge

Hi everyone! This weeks word was pretty good, I thought.

So I hope you enjoyed it as well!

So here is my offer for "fan":-

Isn't it pretty?  I've owned this little fan for years and years - it is so old that the box it lives in has a glass top! No plastic for this little fan!  It appears to be made of balsa wood, and the carving is so intricate.

I love it to pieces, but I have no idea where or when I bought it, it has just lived with me for centuries, it seems!

So let's see your fans below with Mr linky!

Be back tomorrow evening for next weeks word!


Diane-crewe said...

it is beautiful x Im still not able to post pictures! will catch up though! lol x

Janet said...

Lovely! Do you use it? On hot summer days do you sit on the porch and fan yourself? Or do you carry it when you go to the dance to cool yourself off between dances?

kiwikid said...

That is such a pretty fan- no wonder it is special!!