Monday, May 30, 2016

Take an Extra Week!

Hi everyone, sorry I couldn't make it last night, so now I am giving you all an extra week to find a "universal" to photograph!

How about I give a prize to the most original "universal" next weeK/

Okay, it's done.

See  you back here next Sunday evening, and there will be a prize for the most original photograph of "universal"!

So now it's time for us all to get our thinking caps on!

So, just to help out, here is the dictionary explanation:  I hope you can read it..........



adjective  uni·ver·sal \ˌyü-nə-ˈvər-səl\
Popularity: Bottom 50% of words

Simple Definition of universal

  • : done or experienced by everyone : existing or available for everyone
  • : existing or true at all times or in all places
Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary

  1. Take care


Diane-crewe said...

hope you are Ok xx .. now do I keep my brilliant idea and post it next week ..or.. do I try and find another? lol x

kiwikid said...

Gives me longer to ponder!!!