Saturday, March 7, 2015

A Garden Update

Well it is sort of:):)

Just a few pics that I took on my new mobile, around the garden yesterday:-

Yje ferns at the base of the Wedding Palm are looking good, and you can see the Begonia to the right side - it is filling the pot and looking fabulous!

Everything along the fence  line is bursting with life

Tommy investigating a lizard in the garden

Tha pandanus is putting on a spurt of growth - it loves the rain and the humidity we hav e been having

Here's Priscilla looking for goodness knows what!  the lawn needs mowing again!\

Back into the middle garden, and everything is thickening up nicely - even the triangle palm has added lots of fronds

The beautiful Allamanda beside the hut has been chopped back innumerable times this past Summer, but it is still flowering madly!

The fountain, the fish are still all going strong - apart from one that got eaten b y some bird!!

The Oakleaf Frangipani has almost flowered itself into non existance this year!

Just a close up of it's flowers - unfortunately it has no perfume

This Aglaenoma lives on my kitchen island

This shows how long it has been since we ate sweet potato!  I'm thinking of planting it somewhere in the garden, but Alan says  we have no room now - I think he is right

Take Care


Rachaeldaisy said...

You have such a wonderful garden full of exotic blooms and luscious leaves!! Thanks for taking us on a tour.

Diane-crewe said...

what a beautiful area you have to enjoy x the colour (other than brown!) is just starting to come back into my garden ... so nice to see you have some wonderful colour x